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Monday, June 3, 2013

How to make a profit with Fiverr and Gigbucks.

his is a simple guide I found a while back that has to do with upselling Fiverr gigs on Gigbucks. So I wrote a simple guide about it and here you have.

Step 1: Sing up with Fiverr and Gigbucks
Step 2: Sign in on Fiverr and start browsing for popular gigs with lots of positive feedback. (that way you will know that the gig is a winner and there are lots of people willing to pay for those jobs)
Step 3: Chose 5 - 10 Popular Gigs and copy the links on a note pad.
Step 4: Sign in on Gigbucks and create 5- 10 gigs (or more) offering the same services of the Popular Gigs of Fiverr and charge $10 per gig.
Step 5: When you get an order on Gigbucks just sign in fiverr and place an order for the gig paying just $5 so you keep $5 profit per ordered gig.

Sharing is Caring! 

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