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Monday, June 17, 2013

How to GPU mine Bitcoins at BoingPool (AMD cards)

How to GPU mine Bitcoins at BoingPool (AMD cards)

Hello guys. A lot of people asked me how to setup their miner to mine with their GPU.

In this tutorial, we're gonna use a pool, BoingPool, to mine.

Let's start!
First of all, you need to download GUIMiner with CGMiner, I already added everything needed to the archive so you just have to download it and extract it somewhere. 

Download here

After you've extracted it, open "guiminer.exe".

You'll be greeted with this interface: 

To create a new miner, click on File -> New Miner -> New CG miner

Name the miner however you want, I'll name it "Boing's pool". Click on the newly created tab (Boing's pool) and you'll see this:

Click the "Server" dropdown and select BoingPool:

We're almost done!
In the username field, put your Bitcoin address and in the password field put anything, like "1" or "x".

Your screen should look like this:

To start mining, click "Start mining!"
If you don't see the "Start mining!" button, simply extend the window.
If everything is working correctly, you should see something like: " (1s) xM (avg): xMh/s " etc in the left bottom. The number next to (avg) is your hashrate!

You're now mining! To check your stats, simply go here and scroll down till you see "Miners". Then, find your Bitcoin address and click "show/hide table"

There, you'll see your hashrate. Keep in mind that it doesn't updates instantly! 
Your earnings will directly go to your wallet as soon as a block is found, so you don't have to manually cashout.

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