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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

[Tutorial] Make 1000$ per month ( private method )

so you need a bit of cash, but you dont have any eh? well not to fear, cause e-bookQm is here to tell you step by step how you can earn up to $1200 a month. And the best part is, this plan is fool proof. all you really need is a social security card, a drivers license and a bit of social engineering.

first thing you do is you go to your local paper an look in the classified section. what you are looking for in particular is the help wanted section. once you find this section of the paper beging scaning it for any jobs that you feel that you are qualified for.

now here comes the tricky part. when you find a job that looks intriguing you go by an pick up a job application. this may take a bit of social engineering to get. first try asking for a job application and if that does not work, ask if you can have an application to fill out. now using your drivers license an ss# fill out the app and turn it in.

with any luck you will be called back with in the week. this is where the real social engineering takes place, convince these poor marks that you are the right man for the job. tell them about your interest and your experiences. when them over with your charm. always look them in the eye. with any luck you will be hired

now all you have to do is show up when your boss tells you to. do exactly what he tells you to do. you should be making over $1000 a month in no time.

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